I'm Adi, a product designer with a background in education and mentoring, with 8 years of experience in designing product UX, both as a sole designer, a design manager, and as part of a team of designers.

In my career, I managed multiple projects including creating wireframes, designs, interactive prototypes, user testing, and user research to increase user engagement while supporting business objectives.
I am also experienced with a roadmap, KPIs, and project definition, team recruiting, team mentoring, and Design system creation and/or maintenance.

I enjoy the process of translating high-level requirements into concepts and intuitive interfaces that distill complex problems into elegant human-centered solutions whether it's a new product that seeks market validation, improvement for an existing one, or a new capability.

I’m a firm believer in teamwork, I feel it brings the best out of us and helps us grow as professionals. I love to solve problems, always seeking to learn, grow, develop, and collaborate with others.

Graduated with honors in 2015, mastering interactive design.

How to design the perfect dashboard that meets your users’ needs
Published on Apr 24, 2020 | 8 min read (In UX Collective) | Medium (EN)

The dark side has Google Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, or Microsoft’s Edge browser, the temptation is clearly substantial.
Published on Mar 12, 2020 | 5 min read | Medium (EN)

How to find the "sweet spot" of minimal effort and maximum value when designing the user experience?
Published on Dec, 2018 | 5 min read | YouTube (Hebrew)
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